Pricing isn't just about numbers. It's about strategy, positioning, and ultimately, maximizing your profits.

The correct pricing methods and strategy can be the key to maximizing sales of your products or services.

With our comprehensive online pricing courses, you'll learn the core principles of effective pricing and gain a deep understanding of how it impacts your bottom line.


Pricing isn't just about numbers. It's about strategy, positioning, and ultimately, maximizing your profits.

The correct pricing methods can be the key to unlocking untapped potential in your products or services.

With our comprehensive online courses, you'll learn the core principles of effective pricing and gain a deep understanding of how it impacts your bottom line.

Marika Päiväniemi, Pricing Strategy Expert

Are you feeling unsure about your pricing strategy and pricing decisions?

Our  online pricing course curriculum is designed for everybody, regardless of industry or level of expertise. We believe in results, and our courses are no exception. As you progress through our comprehensive curriculum, you'll witness the transformation in your pricing decisions and their impact on profitability.

Do you know what is the cost of hesitation in pricing?

Bad pricing strategies can lead to losing customers who might see your products as either too expensive or undervalued, resulting in lower sales and profits. High prices can make your brand seem exclusive, while low prices can lower profit margins, devalue your product, and attract customers who are only looking for discounts.

Inconsistent pricing can confuse customers and ineffective pricing strategies disrupt your market positioning, complicate operational planning, and make it challenging to adjust prices in the future. Wrong pricing decisions pricing can also stop long-term sustainability and growth of your business.

What can you expect from Academy 4 Pricing courses?

At Academy 4 Pricing, we understand that at its core, pricing is all about making strategic decisions.
No matter which courses you take, you can count on three things:

Pricing theory

Knowledge - from theory to practice

Our courses go beyond textbook concepts, providing you with real-world examples, case studies, and hands-on exercises.

Pricing tools

Assets to your pricing toolkit

We have designed practical frameworks, playbooks, calculators, methods and templates that you can implement in your  business.

Pricing skills

Mindset towards results

Our courses are designed to cultivate a mindset that empowers you to approach pricing with confidence, creativity, and strategic vision.

Learn how to set your pricing strategy course for 349 €

Learn practical tools and techniques to set competitive, profit-optimizing prices that fit your products or services, and your customers’ perceived value, in our online pricing course. During the Step-by-Step Pricing Strategy course, you will pick the most suitable pricing strategy for your business!

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Latest pricing trends, valuable insights, and unique perspectives on price-related topics!

Our weekly newsletter delivers actionable insights to improve your pricing. Stay ahead with expert analysis, pricing trends, and practical pricing tips to maximize profitability and grow your pricing competence to make data-driven pricing decisions. Ready to take more decisive actions on pricing? Subscribe now!

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All the tools you need to set your prices

How pricing is done | (FREE) Tools to price your products & services

Read more about us and our pricing courses. 

Academy 4 Pricing

Sorinsilta 4 A
33100 Tampere, Finland
VAT FI20271254
[email protected]

Our Mission

We help you to make better pricing decisions.